Health Benefits of Non Basmati Rice

· Non basmati rice,basamati rice,fortified rice kernels

Non basmati rice includes all the varieties of rice which are not similar in looks, size and fragrance to those of basmati rice. Grains are of different sizes, like short, rounded, or even medium as opposed to the long slender grains in basmati rice. This blog will provide five health benefits of non basmati rice.

Nutritional Profile of Non Basmati Rice

Non basmati rice is one of the most variable grains and also has a great nutritional profile. Rich in essential carbohydrates, it provides a constant flow of energy hence, non basmati rice is a staple ingredient in many diets. It is also rich in a good amount of protein to facilitate muscle maintenance and repair.

This variety of rice is also a good source of essential vitamins, including B complex which helps in metabolism and minerals like magnesium and iron, which are very important for balanced body health.

Compared to other rice varieties this class of non basmati rice contains equal or nearly fewer calories than others, thereby remaining an excellent choice for health conscious individuals aiming to maintain or monitor their calorie consumption.

Whole grain varieties of non basmati rice are particularly beneficial, as they retain more fibre, vitamins, and minerals than their polished counterparts, aiding in digestion and providing longer lasting energy. When choosing the right grain, consider consulting reliable non basmati rice suppliers for high quality options to ensure you’re getting the best nutritional benefits.

Non Basmati Rice

 Health Benefits of Non Basmati Rice

 Supports Digestive Health

The high fibre content of non basmati rice promotes improved digestion and gut health. Constipation can be prevented with regular ingestion, which makes it a helpful supplement to a diet rich in nutrients.

Helps in Weight Management

When comparing non-basmati rice to basmati rice, the first kind tends to include more calories. It is a great option for anyone trying to control their weight because of this. The fiber content also plays a role in controlling appetite and promoting a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight control.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Some varieties of non basmati rice have a low glycemic index, making them suitable for people with diabetes. Using Non basmati rice in your daily meal can help to maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of spikes.

Heart Health

Non basmati rice is low in sodium to keep a check on blood pressure. With an ample amount of antioxidants, these are good for heart health.

Non Basmati Rice for a Healthy Diet

Non Basmati Rice

Meal Ideas and Recipe Suggestions:

 IR 64 Parboiled Rice is great for making healthy biryanis and pulao. The consistency remains strong in tasty meals.

Indian 100% Broken Rice is good for comfort foods like khichdi or rice porridge, offering a budget friendly option with a satisfying texture.

IR 36 Parboiled White Rice Long Grain is best for stir-fries and as a side dish with curries, for a fluffy consistency.

PR 11 Parboiled and Steamed Rice is perfect for traditional dishes and can be used in daily meals due to its rich nutritional value.

Indian Swarn Parboiled Rice is excellent for making healthy rice salads and side dishes, as its nutrients remain after the parboiling process.


Tips for Selecting the Right Non Basmati Rice Variety for Health Goals:

 IR 64 and PR 11 are two examples of parboiled type varieties, which are more health friendly. Scientific research has shown that varieties within this range maintain components that are simpler to absorb by the body. Long grain rice varieties, such as IR 36, are a good choice for those managing their body weight and require a light lunch. Furthermore when it comes to choosing some different rice varieties consider using Fortified Rice Kernels, which add flavor and increase nutritional value.


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 Cooking Methods to Preserve Nutrients:

 If you want to retain the nutritional value of non basmati rice, steam or boil it instead. The most amount of nutrients can be preserved with the help of these cooking methods. It is important to avoid overcooking the rice as they affect both texture and nutritional content.

Comparing Non Basmati Rice with Other Rice Varieties

 Nutritional Comparison

Non basmati rice varieties like IR 64 parboiled rice and IR 36 parboiled white rice long grain offer distinct nutritional benefits. Rich in fiber and other essential minerals, they are healthy compared to basmati rice. While non basmati rice could be as nutritious brown rice contains a greater fiber content than white rice.

Health Benefits

Indian 100% broken rice and PR 11 parboiled and steamed rice are beneficial for those looking to manage weight due to their lower calorie content compared to basmati. Indian Swarn parboiled rice possesses a unique character of not losing nutrients after processing stage.

Non Basmati Rice

Advantages of Non Basmati Rice

Non basmati rice proved to contain a lower glycemic index compared to white rice which may help in maintaining blood sugar. The health texture and rich nutritional profile make them a great choice for a balanced diet.

In the end, Non basmati rice offers several health benefits that include improved digestion, weight gaining process and better blood sugar control. The heart and digestive system benefit from the low sodium and high fiber content. With nonbasmati rice in your daily meals can support a balanced and nutritious diet. For premium quality non basmati rice and basmati rice explore options with Amoli International- Best Rice Exporters in India.